Day 1: A Fresh View of God’s Holiness
Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-8
Some of us, even after years in church, have a clouded view of God. We may recognize His wrath, but His love and grace seem distant. Others of us may have downplayed His holiness, thinking our sins aren’t that big of a deal—but they all are. We NEED a fresh view of the HOLINESS and the LOVE of GOD. That is the CROSS road.
In Isaiah 6, the prophet Isaiah found himself in the throne room of God, surrounded by angels declaring, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty.” Confronted by God’s holiness, Isaiah saw his own sinfulness with stark clarity. His response? Complete brokenness.
Have you ever felt exposed in the presence of someone who seemed to shine a light on your shortcomings? Or have you sensed the weight of conviction in the presence of God? That moment of realization is an invitation to the Cross Road, where God’s holiness meets our need.
Reflection: Are you willing to take off the mask and see your sin for what it is in light of God’s holiness? Ask God to reveal Himself to you afresh today.
Application: Today, take time in prayer to acknowledge God’s holiness. Write down areas where you need His refining work and surrender them to Him.
Day 2: Godly Sorrow Leads to Repentance
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 7:10
Sorrow over sin is the proper reaction to the holiness of God. Paul, once a persecutor of Christians, met Jesus on the Damascus Road and realized his righteousness was nothing but filthy rags before God.
In his letters to the Corinthians, Paul addressed a church that had become desensitized to sin. They had lost their way and needed a wake-up call. His words caused them godly sorrow—a sorrow that led to repentance and life change.
True repentance is not just about feeling bad; it’s about turning away from sin and running to God. Godly sorrow is beautiful, leading to freedom and restoration.
Reflection: What areas of your life require godly sorrow and genuine repentance? How can you bring those to the Cross Road today?
Application: Examine your heart today and ask God to show you areas where repentance is needed. Take a step of obedience in response to what He reveals.
Day 3: Hope in the Midst of Guilt
Scripture: Romans 8:1
There is a danger in sorrow without hope—worldly sorrow. It leads to despair, believing that our past defines us and that there’s no way out. The enemy would have us believe that forgiveness is beyond our reach.
But at the cross, we find hope. It’s where holiness and love intersect. The cross proclaims that no sin is too great, no shame too deep for the mercy of God.
Perhaps you’ve been holding onto guilt for too long, feeling unworthy of forgiveness. Let today be the day you lay it down at the Cross Road.
Reflection: Have you allowed worldly sorrow to overshadow the hope of the cross? Meditate on Romans 8:1 and receive God’s grace anew.
Application: Write a letter to God expressing any guilt or shame you have been carrying. Surrender it at the cross and embrace His grace.
Day 4: Zeal for God
Scripture: Isaiah 6:8; Acts 9:6
When Isaiah experienced the holiness of God, his response was, “Here am I, send me!” Paul, after meeting Jesus, asked, “Lord, what do you want me to do?” When we encounter God at the cross, it should stir within us a passion to live for Him.
The Corinthians, after their repentance, displayed an eagerness to clear themselves, to fear the Lord, and to walk in righteousness. This is the natural response to grace—not out of obligation, but out of gratitude.
Reflection: How can you cultivate a deeper zeal for God in your daily walk? What is He calling you to do today?
Application: Take one practical step today to serve God with passion, whether it’s reaching out to someone in need or sharing your faith.
Day 5: Coming Home to the Cross
Scripture: Luke 15:20
Wherever you are in your journey, the cross is always calling you home. Some of us have wandered far, weighed down by guilt and shame. But the message of the cross is clear: Come home.
The prodigal son thought he had gone too far, but his father ran to him with open arms. That is the heart of God towards you today. Don’t let sin or shame keep you from the cross. The cross is not just where forgiveness is found, but grace to move forward.
Reflection: What’s holding you back from fully embracing God’s grace? Today, make the decision to come home to the Cross Road.
Application: Take a moment to recommit your heart to God. Thank Him for His grace and step forward in faith, knowing you are loved.