Bible Life Circles


The Bible teaches us the importance of “one another” and at Emmanuel we believe that very best place to care for, to love, to challenge and to grow is in community with one another. If you would like more information, click the links below and a Circle Leader will get back with you. As you scroll down you will find groups for men, women, young adults and young married. Many groups are ongoing and you can join at any time, others are short term groups gathered around a particular study. Email the leader to find out more!

Click the Icon to Connect with a Circle or for the Mixed Group Circles on Sunday Mornings at 9:30am you may drop in!

Men's Group | Ron R

Day: Tuesday  Time of Day: 7:00 pm  

Men’s Group | Cliff

Day: Friday  Time of Day: 8:00pm

O’Connor Mixed Group

Day: Sunday  Time of Day: 9:30am  

Clow Mixed Group

Day: Sunday  Time of Day: 9:30am  

Dolbec Mixed Group

Day: Sunday Time of Day: 9:00am 

Debbie Women's Group

Day: Sunday  Time of Day: 9:30am Online

Young Adult Guys

Day: Friday  Time of Day: 7:00pm 

Reach out to our Associate Pastor, Peter Clow for more info about our Circles