Begins with game time and is followed by a small group time of learning and relationship building.
A large group gathering which begins with worship and is followed by a lesson which supports the small group teaching.
The 9:30 and 10:30 hours have an active nursery where all of our workers love kids, are trained and background checked before working with the most vulnerable among us
One of the great movements by God in the heart of Emmanuel is our love for Children.
The undeniable fact of the Biblical account of Jesus is that HE loves children. Because Jesus loves children and His Spirit is in His church, we love them too! In addition to having a playground, we are children friendly, several parents keep their young children with them during worship and we love it! We also know that children need to be discipled to Jesus in a meaningful way. For that reason, we created e-KiDS children’s ministry. While most parents take advantage of this ministry there are others who feel better served by keeping their child with them in the service or some parents opt to join a small gathering in the lobby where the service is live-streamed if the children are getting a little rambunctious.
- All of our kid’s ministry workers have their background checked and are required to be members in good standing before they are allowed to serve in our children’s ministries.
- You may check your child in when you enter the lobby where you will be given a code that is used to identify your child upon pick up.
eKiDS Program
- We have an amazing nursery run and served by a wonderful staff.
- We have game time and small group gatherings at 9:30 am where the kids can have fun, make friends and then come together where they are taught a lesson and helped to memorize a verse which will later be supported by our large group gathering at our 10:30 am hour.
- At 10:30 am the kids are all brought together for worship and a large group lesson that often involves videos for reinforcement of the Biblical Truths that we are teaching. them.